Prices with cents make settling bills difficult. Rounding policy for rates in TravelLine Booking Engine solves this. But when applying discounts to rates, total price could still be with cents. We have updated the rounding policy — now discount rates round up according to the policy set for a basic rate.
1. Go to “Room management” > “Rates”.
2. Click on the rate that you need. Open the “General settings” tab. Find “Main rules” section.
3. Select a policy that suits you.
Let’s have a look at the example:
Price without a discount — € 600.
Discount — 9.33%.
Rounding policy — rounding up or down to €1.
Discount of € 55.98 rounds up to € 56.
Price at discount rate — €600-€56=€544.
This is how it is displayed in TravelLine Booking Engine:
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