The Wish List allows travelers to send requests for specific room categories if they are no longer on sale, and complete a booking later when/if there is a vacant room. For guests, this is a chance to stay at the hotel they wanted. For hotels, this is a way to sell a room again in case of cancellation.
How the Wish List works
What the Wish List looks like for users
A user opens the website and selects dates when the chosen room category is not available.
The user leaves a request in a special form on the website
If a room of the selected category suddenly gets canceled, the user gets an email notification, by clicking on the link in the email, the user gets redirected back to the booking
You can find the list of requests by going to “Assistant” > “Reservation stats” > “Demand calendar” > “Wish list”.
All the requests will be processed automatically. You will not have to go through them by hand.
In case there are no vacant rooms of the selected category for the selected dates:
Users click on the room category card, there appears the “Make request” button.
After the user clicks on the “Make request” button, the request for a specific room category and specific dates is generated. In the next step, the user enters his/her name and email.
In case a room of the selected category becomes vacant again, the user gets an automatically-generated email. It is sent to the email address that the user indicated in the request. By clicking on the “Book now” button in the email, the user is redirected back to the booking process.
In case there are no available rooms for the selected dates at all:
The “Make request” button will appear right after a user selects dates of stay.
The request is generated for the selected dates and all the room categories at once. At this step, the user leaves his/her name and email.
This is what the confirmed request looks like.
In case a room of the selected category becomes vacant again, the user gets an automatically-generated email. It is sent to the email address that the user indicated in the request. By clicking on the “Book now” button in the email, the user is redirected back to the booking process.
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