If you have a change of a legal entity, and you have renegotiated the contract with the Booking.com channel, on the TravelLine platform the channel goes to the "Stopped" status, and the channel must be reconnected. If the ID number of your hotel in the channel has not changed, make the settings on the side of Booking.com channel according to the following instructions:
1. Go to your Booking.com extranet. In the upper right corner, click "Account" and select "Connectivity provider"
2. Click “Search” button
3. In the “Search for provider” field, enter TravelLine ID number (328).
4. Tick the box “I have read, accepted and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the XML service schedule”, and click “Connect”.
After that, you will see the message “Status of the connection request: Waiting for the provider confirmation”.
This means that Booking.com sent an automatic request to TravelLine to connect to the channel manager. Please contact TravelLine customer support service to confirm the connection.
5. In order to fully activate the connection with Booking.com, go to TravelLine Channel Manager > “Manage Channels”, and click on the Booking.com channel. The “Room types and rate plans mapping” tab stores all previously made mappings. Click “Save” and “Activate the connection”. The updates will be sent to the Booking.com channel.
If you have any questions, you can always contact the technical support manager.
Call us or ask your question right now.