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How to create a derived rate plan calculated by formula. Explained on the example of the “Breakfast included” rate plan

In the TravelLine system, you can easily create special offers with the help of the derived rate plans feature. If your offer has a discount or a surcharge for every guest in a booking, create a derived rate plan calculated by formula.

Hotels create derived rate plans calculated by formula if they need to quickly create a rate plan with breakfast included, assign breakfast fee for every type of accommodation automatically: for example, €10 fee for a single occupancy, €20 fee for two guests staying in a room, and €30 fee for three guests staying in a room.

To create a derived rate plan with included breakfast, do the following:

1. Go to “Room management” > “Rate plans”. Then, click on the “Create derived rate plan” button.


2. There will open a list of options. To create a rate plan calculated by formula, select the “Custom rate plan”.


3. Give details:

  • Enter the rate plan name that guests will easily understand

  • Select a base rate plan that your discount or surcharge will apply to

  • Select meal services included

  • Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page


4. In the “Rules to derive a rate plan”, under the “Main rule” setting, select the “By formula” in the “Price calculated” drop-down list.

For example, in the “Formula” field, enter the formula rate + 10 * beds.

Rate stands for price rates in the base rate plan.

10 stands for the breakfast fee.

Beds stands for the accommodation type.


Tick accommodation types to which you want to apply the surcharge.


5. In the “Rate plan display on the website” tab, give the rate plan’s “Detailed description”. List the advantages of booking at this rate plan, included extra, and meal services.


For the “Thumbnail”, select a thumbnail from a collection or upload your own thumbnail and save it. The thumbnail will be displayed next to the rate plan’s name in the list of rates in the Booking Engine.


6. Make sure that the “Breakfast” meal service is included in the rate plan in the “Extras” tab. Add extra services that guests will be able to book for a fee if they want.


7. To enable the rate plan, by clicking on the switch button under the rate plan’s name.


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