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Does your hotel need dynamic pricing?

Does your hotel need dynamic pricing?

By implementing dynamic pricing, hotels swiftly respond to market changes and change prices accordingly. It has two goals:

  • to earn more during periods of high demand
  • to get booked in the off-season.

Dynamic pricing is an effective but complex strategy. However, it is not suitable for any accommodation type. Before introducing dynamic rates for your hotel, check if it meets the following requirements.

Annual average occupancy is higher than 40%

If room sales are going well and you get booked all year round, it is time to create dynamic rates and increase your income.

Otherwise, it is too early to introduce dynamic pricing. First, find out why there are few guests. Analyze the performance of the hotel staff and the sales team, study competitors, and check your rating on Booking.com and TripAdvisor.

To calculate price levels, you need the data on occupancy for the last 1-3 years. The more information you get, the more accurate your dynamic price calculations are.

Elastic demand

If demand is elastic, even minor price changes affect it. When you lower a price, there are more guests; when you raise it, clients book less often. Demand elasticity indicates whether special offers and discounts can benefit your hotel.

Elastic demand Inelastic demand

Hotel “Dali”

  • The hotel is located in the capital, next to a tourist attraction.
  • Guests from other cities and towns stay at the hotel throughout the year.
  • There are several hotels with the same star rating nearby.
  • If the hotel offers a 5% off discount, the competitors’ customer base will book it.

Hotel “Picasso”

  • The hotel is located in a smaller town.
  • The hotel’s target market is travelers on the business of study trips.
  • There is one more hotel with a higher star rating.
  • Lower prices will not attract more guests. The same customers will book rooms, but at a lower price.

Price changes influence demand. Introducing dynamic rates will be effective.

Price changes do not affect demand. Dynamic rates will not be effective.

Hotel of a lower-mid market

Guests of inexpensive hotels are more responsive to price changes. Well-off clients value high service and pay for it. In this case, if a competitor lowers a price, your customer base will still stay at your hotel, as the price was never a reason to book.

Inventory of more than 10 rooms

If a hotel can host few guests, there is no point to introduce dynamic pricing. There will not be enough bookings to cover the cost of expenses related to introducing dynamic rates.

Apart-hotel instead of apartments

Clients see no difference between apart-hotels and apartments. Hotel managers need to know these differences to select the right pricing strategy.

Apart-hotel Apartments
  • Apartments are all in one building.
  • An apart-hotel is located next to places of interest like seaside or city center.
  • You can forecast the occupancy rate for a certain period, calculate the annual average occupancy, distinguish seasons.
  • When the demand and occupancy increase, you can earn more by raising prices.
  • Apartments are scattered around the city.
  • The occupancy rate is either 100% or 0%. You cannot forecast spikes in demand or calculate the annual average occupancy.
  • If a guest booked one apartment, there is no point to raise the prices for others.

Apart-hotels need dynamic pricing.

Apartments should implement seasonal rates.

If your accommodation does not meet one of the points above, it does not mean that dynamic rates are off-limits. To make sure, consider the factors altogether. If you still doubt, contact us to get help: manager@travelline.pro.

If you already know that you need dynamic rates, set up “TravelLine Price Optimizer”. It automates dynamic pricing management.

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